
Structural Geology Fieldwork

1. Group Photo at Tetuldanga

Group photos are a mandatory part of field work. This photo was taken in Tetuldanga, a small town near Galudih, Jharkhand. The outcrops here preserve the superposed folding very well.

2. Group enjoying Lunch after a long field-work in the morning

Every day, this used to be when we discussed the first half of our fieldwork and chalked out plans for the rest of the day.

3. Enjoying a calm evening after a tiring day at the field.

This was one of the days(One of the most challenging days! Hinge Zones are always tougher….) when we could finish our work a bit early and enjoy a calm sunset in the village away from the hustle-bustle of the city. The light blue sky is covered by woolly Winter clouds and highlighted by the crimson colour of the setting sun. These are the moments which make you realize you have indeed chosen the right profession.

4. Brunton and Rock Hammer on a gneissic exposure

This is one of the last exposures we visited. The golden sunrays were casting long shadows of the Brunton and hammer. The joy of completing our first fieldwork was setting in on everyone.